Lecture notes
(previous years)
Supporting papers
Note that that several of these are manuscripts and conference papers that are mainly for teaching support. Original journal papers should normally be used for citation in scientific articles. The approximate connection to specific lectures is indicated in the schedule (above).
PP Slides Recordings Extra Information
2 Nov - Thursday
Methods and application example
Grain size parameters and transport interpretations
3 Nov - Friday
Fine-sediment aggregation, deposition and consolidation
The role of sediments relative to pollution problems
Fine-sediment aggregation, deposition and consolidation
10 Nov - Friday
Environmental Sequence Stratigraphy
Handout slides available on request
13 Nov - Monday
Introduction to Geochemistry
Environmental Geochemistry
Example - Portuguese Shelf
First few mins. not recorded
15 Nov - Wednesday
Priority Parameters & Functionnal Facies
Risk Assessment
Combined discussion of the 4 short exercises
Baltic Sea and Black Sea Environments
Skagerrak & Archipelago settings
Course Summary
(Environmental Sedimentology)
Not recorded
Not recorded